Oh my. Thank you all so much for your support. Over the last few weeks I have been reading your emails and comments again and again. To say they have helped me would be an understatement. Grief comes in waves and what a comfort for me to be able to sit and read beautiful words from such warm souls. Thank you.
I actually tried to get back to you sooner but that was not in the cards. When I returned to LA ten days ago my computer crashed. Yes, totally crashed. At this time I am still not quite up and running as I anxiously wait to see what information was salvaged from my seriously damaged hard drive. I just bought my computer in August and I assumed it was fine and had not backed up since October. I know, I know, bad me. Oh well, I have learned my lesson and have set up an automatic back up system. I should know by the end of the week which photos out of the thousands were saved.
Anyways, I wanted to share these blossom photos with you. I hope you are doing well, enjoying spring time.